Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Lake Pleasant

This past weekend, October 4th, we decided it was time to do some routine maintenance on our bikes. Brian changed his oil and I changed my oil, my gear oil, my spark plug and cleaned out my air cleaner. It really needed it! The scooter was starting to stall at stop lights and stop signs and it seemed to be getting worse. I hoped that servicing it would help. When I saw the condition of the air cleaner, I was sure that it was why the scooter was stalling. I blew it out and it was so dirty I could feel chunks flying off of it and hitting me in the face. It was also a bit oily. So I put the air cleaner back in and hoped for the best. No luck. It continued to stall. I did some research and found that the problem could be a dirty carburetor. That would be my next project. Sunday, we went to breakfast and then headed up to Lake Pleasant. I'd never been there, so I was up for some new sights. It was a pretty nice ride-but it was a little on the warm side. Still, it was enjoyable. We sat at the lake and drank a bottle of cold water, then went to Scorpion Bay and ate at Dillon's. IT was pretty good food. We were both tired and decided to just head for home and relax. All in all, though, it was a nice, little trip. I don't know if I'll get to take much of a ride this weekend. Brian has to work. I'd love another weekend where we can go out and camp.

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